Acording to new Pokémon games, now HM are forgettable, working as regular moves.Move improvements, includes MLucario, MGardevoir, MAltaria, MBlaziken.Meltan and Melmetal from Pokémon Let’s GO/Pokémon GO are now available in SGS.New Pokémon like Galarian Legendary Birds, Regidrago, Regieleki, Zarude, and Kanto galarian forms.If you want a Pokémon to has increased odds just ask us. Starter spawns have been a bit increased.Sinnoh Starters spawns at Cherrygrove City, extremely rare.New eeveelutions founded in the game code.New few moves, they will be rare to find though!.Ending league and Ship Rocket’s event issue.Rockruff can now be found in Dim Deep Cave.Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Sylveon, Mightyena and Decidueye can now learn shadow ball.Hoenn is up to Route 117 – Vendarturf Town (ORAS Style).Rufflet and Vullaby can now be obtainable at route 45.Complete Pokémon Location and available Pokédex to index them all.New Pokémon icons, new trades, Bicycle fixing, new in-game trades, new quality of life improvements.New objects, new main characters, history, places, music, events.Lorelei, Agatha, and Giovanni also make an appearance, more difficult & new Ex-Elites Leaders reinforced, stronger Gym Leaders.Similarity to Anime occurrences & new rivals accorded to Manga.Sounds remastered & enhanced, more aligned to Pokemon Crystal version.

Pokemon more likely to capture that were previously rare (Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos and Alola species).New sprites include: main character minisprite, places, tiles, trainers, Pokémon sprites, Several new overworld, battle, and trainer sprites, several graphs, etc.System clock automatically walk with 7 weather times.System clock automatically walk with 5 changes (Dawn, Day, Afternoon, Dusk, Night).All Gym Leaders offer rematches in Johto, Kanto, Orange Islands and Hoenn.An EV-IV screen is available to help manage your Pokemon stats.The Battle Frontier facilities are scattered throughout the game.A simulated Wonder Trade system, called Miracle Exchange.Rightful evolution at every single Pokemon.

807+ Pokemon from Generation I to VII and Alola forms.