Secondly, the same version of Splats makes a cameo appearence later in the game - this time redrawn with additional shading and with all its tan shades altered to grey - during Flying Battery Zone, as one of the defunct Badniks in the junk piles found throughout the stage.įinally, a version of Splats appears as an enemy in Press Garden Zone, where it jumps out from large bottles of ink to attack the player, leaving splats of ink on the ground wherever it lands. Since no additional shading or animation frames have been added compared to the original, it's reasonable to asssume this enemy was cut relatively early on if it was ever seriously considered for inclusion in the Zone itself. The sprite for this version is identical to those found in the original game, though the palette used means it appear slightly different as the lightest shade of tan is instead replaced with grey, and one of the shades of blue is replaced with a shade from the cycling palette used for the animated waterfalls. This variant has yet another different attack pattern, this time making a single much higher hop before reversing direction. Firstly, another unused version can be placed in Green Hill Zone using Debug Mode. Splats also makes three appearances in Sonic Mania, though only two can be encountered during normal gameplay. The other will take a couple hops one way, and switch direction. One will simply hop forward, not stopping to turn around for pits or anything of the sort. The game's 2013 remake adds two functional versions of the Badnik to the list of objects which can be placed in Green Hill Zone using Debug Mode. When placed in Marble Zone in the prototype, it becomes purple. It could also use the second palette line, which is either green or purple depending on the level. The unused sprite, however, is blue with tan highlights when using Sonic's palette line. Splats is depicted in secondary sources (merchandise etc.) as being grey with blue highlights. When placed, Splats will continually hop forward, only changing directions if it reaches a wall. With the discovery of a prototype build of Sonic the Hedgehog, full coding for Splats was found within the prototype, and the Badnik can be placed in Marble Zone using Debug Mode. There is no programming or sprite mappings for the object. When Nemesis Format was finally cracked in 2002, the sprites were discovered in the US/European Sonic the Hedgehog ROM.